Thursday 6 March 2014

Marketing Tricks You Need to Use According to Marketing Firms in Chicago

Marketing isn’t typically a low-cost venture. It can be very expensive to get your name out there to a multitude of potential customers. However, in the competitive world where we live, marketing is a must. You don’t have to break the bank, though, if you know the tactics that will work the best. Marketing firms in Chicago know the right methods to achieve the best results at a competitive price.

Know the Importance of Social Media Marketing

“More than three-quarters of adults between the ages of 30 and 49 use social media, according to the Pew Research Center. Since this age range represents a significant portion of those in a household with purchasing power, small businesses should make sure they target their audience through social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.” (Brooks, 2013)

You have a massive opportunity to reach more people through social media so take advantage of this platform. Your business needs pages on important social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even Instagram or Pinterest. These outlets are used by millions of people every day.

Understand Email Marketing

Email marketing is more important now more than ever. It presents the unique opportunity to show people you care about them on a more personal level. It’s important though to understand the difference between email marketing and spam emailing. If you send out useless information or email constantly, you will turn people away from your company which could result in a bad reputation for your business.

Appeal to People’s Lifestyles

The important part of marketing in the modern day is to engage your customers. You need to appeal to them on a personal level if you want to keep them interested in your products or services. You should take the time to learn more about your customers and potential customers so that you can appeal to them on a more individual level.

There are a few ways to do this. One of the ways is to ask the right questions when customers sign up for your email campaign. You can ask about their interests or why they have visited your site. Make sure you gather information that will help generate the most business and reach more customers.

Know That You Need to Blog

A blog can be a powerful tool when you use it to your advantage. Marketing firms in Chicago have begun to stress the important part blogging plays in a strong marketing campaign. It will help you appeal to and engage more customers. It can also help you build better search engine rankings if you use keywords properly. To do it right, make sure everything you post in your blog is informative and relevant.

Marketing firms in Chicago know what it takes to build a successful business. You too can use these simple tips and tricks to reach out and get the attention of more potential customers.

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How Chicago’s Top Marketing Companies Can Prepare You for New Marketing Methods

Business marketing continues to change and evolve. A business is unlikely to become successful if they utilize only one method of marketing for a long period of time. Instead, business owners need to know how to keep up with the changing economic world ensuring their company is ready to handle any situation or change that comes their way. There are several marketing trends that can be implemented into a company’s marketing plan and Chicago top marketing companies can help.

If you are ready to keep up with the changing times, consider these tactics and how they can work for you.

The Mobile Advantage

Once upon a time, marketing meant publishing an ad in the newspaper or mailing out a flyer.  Soon the Internet came and people found ways to market through email and websites. Things have shifted once again to the trend of mobile marketing. It is important to be prepared for marketing your business through smart phones and other mobile devices. Some people refer to it as omni-channel marketing because you will need to build your business for all sorts of platforms, including mobile devices, websites, and social media.

“We need to be cross-device compatible and raise the bar on mobile customer experience. Are you taking advantage of the feedback opportunities? Are you capturing the data and leveraging it for personalization?” (Lord, 2014)

Engaging the Customer Is a Must

You do have to personalize your marketing strategies. Generic options no longer work. People want something eye-catching. They want something interactive. They need to feel that they are valued. You can do this through a number of different formats, but one of the best is social media. Simply by engaging your customers through Facebook, Twitter, and other media outlets, you can show that there is a face behind your business. Chicago top marketing companies know how to use these methods to engage the consumer while reaching out to a larger audience.

Visuals Matter
If you wish to appeal to customers then you must also consider the visual experience. People know that technology has become more advanced and that there is the capability of creating beautiful and stunning images on websites. If you don’t follow suit, customer will be unimpressed and may stray elsewhere to do business. Make sure you keep your website, logos, and any graphics on any other pages associated with your business as aesthetically pleasing as possible.

Marketing methods are constantly changing and, as a business owner, you will need to keep up with those changes. Chicago top marketing companies understand this need to constantly evolve along with the requirements of potential customers. You need to understand this as well. To market your business successfully in today’s world, you must find different ways to create a more enhanced customer experience.

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